пятница, 22 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
и еще один скетчик перед сном.... полуторачасовой
весь нарутофанарт рисую под Наутилус почему-то, и всегда песни как-то в тему. Ну вот, например, эта:
Listen or download Наутилус Помпилиус Нежный Вампир for free on Pleer
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весь нарутофанарт рисую под Наутилус почему-то, и всегда песни как-то в тему. Ну вот, например, эта:
Listen or download Наутилус Помпилиус Нежный Вампир for free on Pleer
...меедленно подбираюсь к ОТП.
читать дальше
четверг, 21 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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среда, 20 ноября 2013
So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
вторник, 19 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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понедельник, 18 ноября 2013
So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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суббота, 16 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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пятница, 15 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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четверг, 14 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
среда, 13 ноября 2013
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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So tell me where shall I go? To the left, where nothing's right? Or to the right, where nothing's left?
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